Throughout the years, I have collected all kinds of gardening facts. Many I’ve found to be very interesting and some even funny and some just weird. I don’t really know what I ever thought I’d do with all these facts. but today I’m going to share some of them with you.

If the bark on the trunk of a tree were to get wounded that wound will always stay the same distance from the ground as the tree grows.

Peanuts are in the bean family.

  • Less than 2 percent of the insects on the planet are harmful. Most insects are beneficial.
  • The first-known greenhouses in history were built in Rome in A.D. 30. They were built to provide Emperor Tiberius with his daily cucumbers.
  • An herb is from the leaf part of a plant. A spice comes from the root, seed, berry, bark or bulb of a plant.
  • To grow stronger, sturdier stems on newly planted seedlings try gently brushing your hands across the seedlings several times a day. This tends to stimulate the plants to grow just a bit slower, which can produce healthier plants.
  • To keep dirt from getting under your fingernails while gardening first scratch your nails across a bar of soap. The soap keeps out the dirt, and when you are finished gardening, just wash the soap away.
  • Gardening is considered both an art and a science.
  • A pineapple is actually considered a berry.
  • Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew cannabis (marijuana) on their plantations.
  • World Naked Gardening Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of May. Who knew? Its purpose is to promote harmony and peace with nature.
  • Morning sun is more beneficial for your plants than afternoon sun.
  • There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes on the planet and 60 million tons of them are produced each year.
  • Hardiest plant zones are weather regions in the country that best suit a particular plant. We are considered zone 9B. The coldest zone is 1 and the hottest is 11.

Until next time, let’s try to garden with nature, not against it, and maybe all our weeds will become wildflowers.